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Body building : Health & Medical
Best Time to Work Out
One of the most brought up questions in the exercise world is "when is the best time to workout"? Now most people have their personal preference and when you ask them they probably will tell you that the best time to work out is the time that they do.
This is How to Train If You Are a Real Hardgainer!
Some people have a real hard time gaining muscle. This article is for people who have to fight for every gram of muscle they gain.
Mike Geary - Truth About Six Pack Abs
Truth about six pack abs is an extremely popular abs training program created by Mike Geary.The book is marketed as a professional guide for people who wish to lose belly fat and get asexy flat abs.I bought "The Truth about Six-Pack Abs" about 2 months ago and I want to tell you the truth
How to Get Sexy Abs - In 6 Minutes a Day
The conventional approach to getting the body of your dreams is to work extremely hard, exercising all day and eating a specialized diet of 3 apple cores and an espresso coffee each week. Now I don't know about you, but if I had a choice between this slavishly deprived method to a supermodel bo
How to Work Upper Abs Without Boring & Ineffective Crunches and Sit-ups
Let's say you wanted to develop your biceps muscles, would you pick up a light weight and do hundreds of reps of biceps curls? Of course not! Yet how many times have you walked in to a gym and seen people doing hundreds of crunches or sit-ups, or doing them carrying heavy weights?
The Gerard Butler Workout - How to Look Like Leonidas
Not since the former Mr. Universe (a.k.a. the current governor of California) first flexed his pecs as Hercules has there been a more powerful-looking badass on the big screen. King Leonidas came along, leading his brave 300 into glorious battle and even more glorious death.
What is the Six Pack Abs Diet?
Along with the right kind of exercise, a healthy diet goes a long way in keeping you healthy and in shape. So what is the ideal six pack abs diet? Well, experts say that to stay healthy for long it is best to stop dieting and start living a healthy life style. The basic ingredients in a perfect six
Exactly How I Got Six Pack Abs
There's a lot of bad fitness information out there so I wanted to write this in hopes that people find it helpful. In this article, I'll tell you exactly how I got a six pack.
Bowflex Exercises - The Secret to Getting Faster Results With Your Bowflex Exercises
Have you been thinking of buying the Bowflex? Or do you already own? In this article you will learn what the key components are getting the best workout from your Bowflex exercises that you possibly can. This one simple principle will help you cutback not only in the time he spent working out to dra
Tips of Fat Burning and Muscle Building - 3 Effective Ways of Fat Burning and Muscle Building
This is an article about fat burning and muscle building. Please refer to the content page for more details.
Dumbbell Training - Why It's the Best Way to Put on Muscle
Why is dumbbell training so darn effective?Learn why you should definitely consider dumbbell training for quick and effective muscle gains!
Mixed Grip Pullups For Quick Muscle Gain
Mixed Grip Pullups are a great variation on the plain vanilla pullups because of the asymmetric loading that it creates. Find out how these can help you gain muscle quickly in this article.
How to Get Lean Muscle - Shaping Your Pectoral Muscles - Myth Or Fact?
This is an interesting topic I think a lot of men would like to know about. Usually, something triggers us to seek a better body. Whether it'd be someone at work or who's physically more fit, or a public icon like a movie star who we aspire to be like, it's usually their bodies that a
Five Tips to Help You Gain Muscle Fast
Gaining Muscle Fast Is Possible, but You Might Be Making This Mistakes and Sabotaging Your Results. To gain muscle fast one must address these issues: Recovery (rest), Nutrition, Exercise. Here are 5 tips to address these issues properly.
A Shocking Interview Reveals How Exactly to Get Defined Abs
Defined abs are not hard to achieve if you do right procedure. Read on to see what one fitness buff had to say.
A Steady Approach to Increasing Definition
Everyone has their own fitness goals that they aspire to, but just about everyone feels like they could improve their muscle tonality. There are three core tactics that are vital to improving muscle tone, and the absence of even one of them from your training regimen could be enough to keep you from
Are You Working Out Too Much?
This article will show you how to tell if you're working out too often and not giving your body enough time to recover.
5 Muscle Gaining Secrets Revealed!
It's a common question, "What's are the best muscle gaining secrets?" Here are five secrets that if you incorporate into your workout, will help you gain the mass that you're looking for.
P90X - Get the Equipment You Need - Read Before Wasting Your Money
P90x program is great adventure and requires some equipment if you don't already have a complete home gym. Get professional recommendations on the best buys to maximize your efforts on a modest budget. Don't waste your money buying things twice or things you really don't need.
How to Gain Muscle Fast - Use Supersets
If you want to know how to gain muscle fast, you are going to want to know about Supersets. Supersets are used by many to help build muscle in a shorter amount of time.