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Holidays & party : Society & Culture & Entertainment

The Best Christmas Gift Ever is to Have One More Day

Christmas is a time for giving and being thankful. Everyone is out shopping for that perfect present. But what is on your list this year that truly represents the meaning of this joyous holiday?

How to Make Handmade Easter Cards

It takes extra time to make a homemade card, but with the power of your imagination, the design options can be endless. A homemade card is often appreciated more than one you buy at the store, because the person receiving the card knows how much effort you put into making it. Put your creativity to

How to Hook Up Christmas Lights to a Golf Cart Battery

You can decorate your golf cart with Christmas lights to add a touch of festivity any time of the year. You will need to make a small investment in a vital part, but this piece can also be used to operate other things that need an electrical outlet in your car or golf cart. The next time you have a

Christmas Gifts for Teachers from Students

It can be very frustrating to think of the perfect Christmas gift for the teacher in your child's life. Instead of buying a coffee mug or other unimaginative gift this year, consider a carefully selected gift certificate or handmade gift your child's teacher can enjoy outside of the classroom.

Ideas for a Boss' Birthday Party at Work

Throwing a birthday party at work is the perfect way to show your boss how much you appreciate him on his special day. This can be a planned party or you can shock him with a surprise. Enlist the help of other employees while planning the party to make sure the event is an even bigger success. Since

How to Recycle Adult Halloween Costumes

Most people buy or make a new Halloween costume each year and wear it only once. The costume is then either buried in the back of a closet, never to see the light of day again or thrown away, creating unnecessary waste. Choose the eco-friendly route and recycle your old Halloween costumes. Recycling

How to: Face Paint for Halloween

Create a look for Halloween with face paint. Face paint allows you to make your face look like a certain type of character without wearing an uncomfortable mask. It also provides you a quick costume if you don't have one to wear. Remember to use only paint specifically made to use on the face. Other

Appleseed Festivals

Several communities pay homage to the legacy left by John Chapman, also known as "Johnny Appleseed," by hosting festivals in the fall. Johnny Appleseed festivals showcase crafts, apple-related treats such as fritters and pies, and demonstrations based on popular tools and handiwork from the 1800s. I

Clue Birthday Party Ideas

Play "Clue" games at your party that include weapons like candlesticks.candlestick image by hannahfelicity from Fotolia.comThe board game "Clue" came into being in 1948 in the United Kingdom. Over the next few decades, it gained popularity and a following in the United States. The game...

Gift Ideas for the Mom Who Has Everything

If you're stumped on gift ideas for your mom, thinking that she has it all, you're wrong. There are a few things that most moms are seriously lacking and would love to get as gifts--time, relaxation or a night to themselves. Unless her children are all grown up and out of the house, a mom usually sp

Holiday Spending Doesn't Have to Be Stressful - Or Does It?

With the holiday season just around the corner, hopefully you've started thinking about how you are going to handle it financially. But even when you plan, most people still end up spending more than they meant to. This year, follow these tips to keep yourself from getting into these unfortunat

How to Make Wizard of Oz Costumes for Kids Dressed Up as Munchkins

"The Wizard of Oz" (1939) is a beloved cinematic classic, and its easily recognizable characters make it an ideal source of inspiration for a costume. In a sea of store-bought "Wizard of Oz" costumes, however, it can be easy to lose your way. Don't get sucked into purchasing a generic, expensive, po

How to Make a Yo-Yo Christmas Tree

A yo-yo Christmas tree decoration uses the old technique of yo-yo-making usually reserved for quilting. The yo-yo Christmas tree decoration is simple to craft by using graduated sizes of yo-yos. It is a good take-along project for the car, doctor's office or the sidelines at soccer games, because it

Going Away Party Ideas & Gifts

Give your coworker a gift to help him succeed at his next job during his going-away party.Group of business people working together in the office.. image by Andrey Kiselev from Fotolia.comSay good-bye to someone close to you by throwing a memorable going-away party. Throwing a farewell...

Costumes That Have Gas Masks

A gas mask can act as the jumping off point for a homemade costume. If you have a gas mask on hand you can easily incorporate it into costumes like a fireman or a space man. Adding a few other accessories and clothing items, you'll have a unique costume that's cheaper than purchasing one pre-made fr

Sexy Gifts for Him

When your relationship has gone past chocolates and teddy bears, you want something sexy to give to your boyfriend or husband as a gift. There are a wide variety of things you can do or purchase for your significant other. Some gifts he will find cute and creative, others will leave him begging for

Valentine's Day Presents for Men

Valentine's Day is a day to show the person you care about how much you love him. Give him the perfect present as a way to show your affection. No matter what his hobbies or interests are, there is sure to be something he will enjoy. The best present is one that is just for him.

How to Identify Valuable Rocks

To the untrained eye, many rocks, minerals and gemstones look the same. While no one becomes a gemologist overnight, there are some basic characteristics you can make note of in order to be able to identify rocks. Identifying valuable rocks can prove to be a lucrative endeavor for you; here's how to

Types of Halloween Costumes

Halloween offers one night every year when people can pretend they're something they're not. People of all ages can join in the festivities, from children going trick-or-treating to adults attending a party with friends. Their costumes can be based on anything imagined, from famous celebrities to re

How to Send Plants by Post

Sending plants by post isn't a difficult task. Preparing the plant in advance and packing properly in the box will ensure a safe travel. Sending them yourself is less expensive than ordering from an online floral shop. Check with local agriculture guidelines pertaining to sending certain plants to d