How to Use a Meditation MP3 Recording

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Yoga : Health & Medical

How to Use a Meditation MP3 Recording

Why would you use a meditation MP3 recording versus meditating without technology, or using a CD that is meant for meditation? There are several advantages. First, you can easily get your meditation MP3 download in just minutes.

The Practical Side of Meditation

For many people, meditation brings up images of someone sitting in a strange physical position and chanting incomprehensible words. While this image represents one aspect of meditation, meditation is not just about body postures or mantras. Meditation is for enhancing your entire life, including you

Yoga - Helping With Anorexia and Bulimia

We all know that long term eating disorders can be potentially harmful and dangerous to our health. The most common eating disorders are: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Inner Peace Can Be Yours Whenever You Want It

Is your life so hectic you often feel like you're ready to rip phone books in half? If that's the case, read this article to learn a simple technique that'll bring inner peace into the chaos of emotional turmoil whenever you want.

Ashtanga Anyone?

Interested in taking an Ashtanga Yoga class? Learn more about Ashtanga Yoga, 8 limbs and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras here.

Three Reasons We Cannot Heal

The most important reasons we continue to have ill bodies, ill lives and ill circumstances is due to the illusions we live with day in and day out. When we live with illusions we cannot heal.

Meaningful Notable Moments, Or MnMs

Life is full of Meaningful Notable Moments, (MnMs) to be savored, rolled around on the proverbial tongue.If you are too tethered to the past, tied up in the present, or tensed about the future those MnMs can slip through your fingers.Yoga helps you become fully present in the moment so you can suck

The Right Clothes and Mats for Yoga

Yoga is founded on the belief that the mind, body and spirit can come together via meditation, breathing exercises and physical poses. That is why, together with constant practice, it is important to have the proper equipment to practice yoga, such as a mat and the right clothes.

Different Types of Yoga That Suits Your Needs

Yoga has been gaining popularity nowadays and many people are already considering the practice of yoga due to its health benefits. Are you one of the people who are having a hard time figuring out what kind of yoga that suits your needs and health condition? In this article, I will discuss to you va

Yoga Props, A Purchasing Guide

There are many benefits to using Yoga props. Yoga Props enhance your routine by allowing deeper stretches, proper alignment and better balance. Choosing the right accessories will help you achieve optimum results.

Relax with World Sacred Music

This article talks about the benefits of the World Sacred Music collection from Spirit Voyage. The article also discusses about an individual can relax his mind, body and soul with this music.

Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali - The Vow of Ahimsa

What is ahimsa? In the Yoga Sutras, Ahimsa is the first of the contemporary Yamas (restraints). Quite often, you hear the definition: "non-harming" is the meaning of Ahimsa. You may also hear "non-killing" or "non-violence" applied to the meaning of this demanding Yama.

Could Yoga Exercises Favorably Effect an Individual's Blood Pressure?

Lots of individuals in the present day are afflicted by hypertension, or even high blood pressure. It is a very common happening which looks like it's going up in prevalence every day. This condition could get people at high risk for dangerous health difficulties, for instance heart disease and

Beyond Flexibility - The Health Benefits Of Yoga

To many, yoga is a great form of physical exercise that develops flexibility and strength. But it does so much more, and these hidden benefits can give us the insight, courage, and strength to develop a life in which we are truly fulfilled.

What Is Virtual Surgery and How Does This Benefit Patients?

If you're preparing for surgery of any kind, or if a loved one will be operated on, chances are good you're nervous - maybe even terrified. And the anxiety keeps building from the time you schedule the surgery until the moment the anesthetic starts to take effect.