Controlling Anxiety is Possible When You Know More About It

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Anxiety : Health & Medical

Anxiety Treatments

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of anxiety treatments including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Is Anxiety All In Your Head? Scary Feelings

Is anxiety making you crazy? Are you alone? See if you really suffer from anxiety, what the causes of anxiety are and what you can do about them once and for all.

How to Stop Panic Attacks - Terror of the Mind

When a panic attack first occurs, the first reaction is one of extreme terror. In many case panic attacks can be controlled be starting to monitor your thoughts carefully. Here some tips to start doing just that.

When Having a Panic Attack - Shortness of Breath Explained

A common symptom of panic attack, shortness of breath is right up there among the main ones. While the experience of a panic attack itself can be extremely frightening, many people who suffer from anxiety and panic become concerned about individual symptoms.Shortness of breath is a cause of alarm fo

Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety

Stress and fear are healthy emotions. Sometimes, however, that fear can take over and turn into a completely disabling anxiety that can prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder is a diagnostic category in the psychology text DSM-IV. The DSM-IV lists all the diagnostic classes and also the statistics related to them for therapists and psychiatrists. Mental and emotional problems are diagnosed by consulting this manual.

What Is Fear and How It Can Manifest Itself?

Fear is a natural occurring emotion which if not challenged can prevent us from living our lives to their full potential. We can actually overcome fear and transform it into a tool which can provide motivation to excel in this competitive word, both professionally and personally.

Feng Shui for Homes: Feng Shui Home Decorating As an Anxiety Relief Technique

Feng shui for homes is a method of designing the way your furniture is placed so that it is provides a balanced, soothing atmosphere that helps you relax. It is an anxiety relief technique that has been used successfully for centuries. This article outlines some of the specific, easy strategies you

Six Freak-Out Signs and Symptoms of Panic Attacks Everyone Should Learn

Do you experience things that make you wonder if you are having a panic attack? Recognizing the signs and symptoms of panic attacks can go a long way toward understanding them and taking control of them. Here are the most common signs and the usual symptoms experienced by a panic attack sufferer.

How to Manage Stress - Related Anxiety

Try to understand what causes you stress and which stress can transform itself into anxiety. Once you have established the situations, you can start to work on them. Every situation can be looked at from various angles. Some angles permit you to see also positive aspects or moments. You therefore ar

Panic Away - You Gotta Have Hope

Do you live your life with a lot of hope or hopeless? We all will have to endure difficulties in life, but how we handle them makes a world of difference.

Anxiety in the Workplace

Worldwide, over 15 million people suffer from the effects of anxiety. Our modern world has proven to put additional strain on these people in the workplace.

Recognising If You Are Emetophobic, Emetophobia Eraser Program Explained

Are you concerned about being sick to such an extent that you think about it almost continuously all day long? People who feel this way suffer from a phobia that is known as Emetophobia - or the fear of being sick. A large number of the people who are Emetophobic also dread the sensation of feeling

Panic Away Program - Get the Basics

Are you suffering panic attacks? Then you have most likely heard of the Panic Away Program and are wondering how this exactly works in eliminating this condition. This program is all about using natural techniques to help panic attack sufferers overcome this condition and gain control of their life

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Can Help You Live Life To The Fullest

While most people are curious about spiders with their spindly and hairy legs, there are those who find themselves unreasonably scared of arachnids. The sight of spiders, even the small ones common in trees, can trigger panic attacks in individuals with arachnophobia. This can be debilitating partic