Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Green Tea, Slimquick, and Liver Damage

If you are a woman who took Slimquick because you were led to believe it was a safe and viable weight-loss dietary supplement and subsequently received damage to your liver or have been diagnosed with

This Is One Whale Of An Oil

I am skeptical by nature.For a doctor, this is a very good trait to have.You see, every year there are a new crop of drugs and treatments that I evaluate for my patients.After doing some research, I will often discover that there isn't much more than hype when it comes to these new "miracl

Avoid Eating Out Of Boredom

Do you find yourself eating when you're not hungry? Do you do this regularly? If so, then you are eating out of emotion. Eating food when you are not hungry is what is called emotional eating.

Does My Child Have an Intolerance to Gluten?

My 18 month old son has always been small for his age but he started to fall off of the growth chart around 12 months. He seemed to get sick a lot and had a lot of eczema flare ups.

Avocado Health Benefits

Being described as the fruit with the highest nutrient content, avocado health benefits are to do with the high protein, good fats, antioxidants, soluble and insoluble fibre and a variety of minerals and vitamins. € ...

Low Fat Snacks to Maintain Productivity and Focus (and Be Healthier, Too)!

Part of productivity is health and part of health is eating low-fat or non-fat foods. (At least this is true for most of us)! Since many of us snack our way through the day, it is worth knowing what we can have on hand that will serve us by filling us up, giving us energy, and not loading our poor b

The Vegan Diet

A vegan diet is a food that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. It is a positive lifestyle that seek and exclude the use of animals for food. There are many steps for veganism and all encompasses healthier effects. The vegetarians may vary in their feelings

Top 5 Holiday Beverage Breakdown

Holiday beverages are often a source of hidden calories. However, with some forethought, you can enjoy these traditional favorites without packing on the pounds.

Is Quinoa Converting Celebs?

The Quinoa Connection, The Andean Job, and The Spy from Altiplano - Is Quinoa Converting Celebs? People talk a lot about super foods in recent times. The pattern is getting predictable - find an ingredient ...

How To Gain Weight and Muscle Mass By Eating The Right Foods

You may be a candidate for heart attack or diabetes. This can be avoided by changing the way you live. Adhere to a healthy way of life. You can do that by engaging on a workout and diet program. You have to develop your muscles and start burning those fats. How do you do this? You can start by eatin

Obese Individuals and Losing Weight

Overweight individuals have one goal and that is to lose weight. Physical fitness experts, medical professionals and weight loss advocates have different recommendations on how to remove those extra pounds. Regardless of the methods, the ...

Healthy Shakes: A Fantastic Partner For Any Sort Of Diet Plan

A good deal of individuals who choose to be healthier and to shed a couple pounds must have already heard of the term healthy shakes or health drinks. There are some people who essentially use this shakes in addition to their diet plan and you can find several people who could think that this basic

Raw Organic Food: A Boon For Health Conscious People

Are you a health conscious person? If so, then it is a definite fact that you will have heard about organic products like solid foods and liquids. Not only vegetables but also fruits are available in organic form.

Vitamin B2 - Benefits to Aging Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are growing older by the minute (a little play on words) and we need to know what is good for us and what is not. Vitamin B2 is one of the good things in our life. Read and see how it affects us and how it can help us to stay active longer with quality.

Heart-Healthy Meal Plans

Your heart pumps blood to the arteries and lungs, and also supplies your tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Over time, a diet full of unhealthy foods can clog the arteries and contribute to cardiovasc

5 Warning Signs Your Diet Isn't Working

After all, we all want the same things: increased energy, a fit and sexy body, to live longer and healthier, avoid and heal health challenges, and a sound nutritional approach. Sometimes it happens that you may be doing well for a while with your diet, but imperceptibly you move away from the result

Chew Your Way to Health

Want an easy way to increase your energy, digestion, immune function, and over all wellness? Then chew your food! Read on to learn why chewing your food thoroughly is a simple, yet seldom followed, source of energy and wellness.