Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Nutrition : Health & Medical

What is the Right Diet For Young Preteen Models?

Well, what is the right diet for young preteen models? Modeling is a glamour profession in which excellent physical health is very much a requirement to maintain a good stand in the profession. Proper diet is mandatory for the well-being and glamour looks of the model. This is more important in the

Can Nutritional Supplements Help You Look Younger?

Why do we need nutritional supplements? Many of us, in today's hurried lifestyle, do not eat a well balanced diet. Because of this we need nutritional supplements to boost our daily diet. We have seen numerous commercials for overweight bodies. When was the last time you saw a commercial about

Buy The Best Juicer

What is the best juicer to buy? This is not a question that has a one size fits all answer. Discover what is important to find the best juicer for you.

Determine How to Reach Your Fitness Goals

In order to best determine how to reach your fitness goals, you first need to figure out where you are, physically. And the best way to do this is to sign up for a fitness evaluation, including a full health/fitness history and other important measures.

Runners Double Duty Dieting Plan

If the losing weight bug hits you, I say attack it with double duty dieting from the inside to the outside of your body. What I'm talking about here is daily exercise of running and following a runner's diet. Now, this diet is my diet I've followed over the last thirty years.

Cooking Healthy on the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet is touted as a healthy, nutrient rich diet that offers a variety of benefits such as disease prevention and weight loss. Recipes for this nutritional program can be both tasty and beneficial.

Health Benefits of Bee Pollen: Can They Really Be Proven?

If you do some internet research on the health benefits of bee pollen, you are sure to find many pages that oppose those of us who endorse this amazing super food. Many writers will tell you that this bee product should never be ingested for the sole reason that it might cause allergies or other rea

What Are Important Vitamins For Seniors

Seniors are less active and are at a much greater risk of having nutritional deficiencies. They tend to not eat as much calories and they take more prescription drugs then the general population. This in turn means that they are getting less nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals as younger people

5 Reasons Homemade Granola Bars Are Better Than Store-Bought

Homemade granola bars taste better and are much healthier than the kind from a box. Have you ever read the ingredient list on a box of granola bars? I have and all I can say is yuck! Here are 5 reasons homemade granola bars are better than the kind from a box.

What Is Gluten?

What Is Gluten? You may have heard that more and more people are finding that they have gluten sensitivity. Most people that are diagnosed with gluten intolerance don't even know what gluten is. Quite simply, ...

Strong Bones, Strong Immune System - Build It!

Keeping your bones healthy is just a small portion of a healthy body. Do you know how to maintain strong bones? Everyone knows the wonders of milk, but anything else?

Too Much Fruit Can Fatten You

And that's because fructose, the sugar found in fruits, can fool your brain and make you eat more, warn experts from the University of California. Moderate consumption of fruits bring many benefits for the body, but we must not exaggerate.