Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Organic Food Requirements

The Organic Food Industry is subject to very strict regulations that aim to protect consumers by ensuring that the extra cash they will pay for unrefined goods will be worth it. This is why numerous tests first need to be past before a farm can be certified as organic. Organic farming represents the

3 Cool Ways On How To build Muscle Fast

Okay, so to start off this article on how to build muscle fast, you need to know that building solid muscle to get ripped fast does not have to be extremely hard. In fact it...

An Insight Into Food Poisoning

This article deals with the causes and types of food poisoning. It also depicts the clinical features, investigative and preventive measures.

3 Tips to manage Dry skin this winter

To restore the moisture levels on the skin is the best way to reduce dryness on the skin. Anjali Mukerjee Health Total believes that by appropriately combining good dietary routine and skin care routi

Easing Chronic Inflammation With Healthy Food Choices

When you see the word "inflammation", you probably think of the redness around a recent cut, or the pain and soreness after an injury, and you'd be right. Acute inflammation is a normal, natural response to an injury, irritation or infection in the body and is confined to that area.

Avocado Calories and Its Beneficial Effects

It is well known that fruits contain essential nutrients which make your body healthier and stronger. However, some fruits are rich in calories and avocado is among of those.

Easy to Make Recipe for Gluten Free Meatloaf.

Easy to make recipe for gluten free meatloaf. Are you looking for a recipe for gluten free meatloaf? Have you been struggling with a good meatloaf recipe? Is it falling apart, not binding together, or ...

Weight Loss - Become Slim and Say Success to Your Diet

It is always a great goal to cook delicious, healthy meals while at the same time trying to stay out of confusion that many, especially dieters, have; regarding the best way to eat in order to lose weight and healthy. Your weight is the balancing structure, and calories are part of that equation. Th

Vitamin B12 Overdose - Has Many Repercussions

Even though the food we take is rich in all nutrients, we may end up getting some in excess and some lower than the required amount. In a normal person these symptoms might not be so dramatically visible, but in some severe cases they turn fatal. To fight the deficiency, these supplements are provid

Multivitamin: Read This ASAP!

Will I benefit from taking a multimineral and multivitamin tablet each day? Will it interfere with the diabetes or my high blood pressure medication?

Weight Management = Healthy Lifestyle

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle approach in your day to day living, then weight management becomes synonymous. Healthy lifestyles that attribute to managing your weight consist of not only good eating habits, but a good regiment of exercise.

Pulmonary Fibrosis, Protein and the Need For Good Nutrition

Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious disease that can possibly lead to increasing scarring of the lung tissues. The disease starts with injuries to the tissues, both within and between the alveoli (tiny air sacs) in the lungs. Continued damage leads to further scarring, which in turn can cause the lungs

Should You Eat Greek Yogurt or Regular Yogurt?

Several who follow my blogs have asked about eating Greek yogurt versus Regular yogurt. I did some research and came to the conclusion you should make your choice based on your own personal nutritiona

Noni Juice - The Great Benefits That You Can Reap

Noni juice is naturally used as a medicinal substitute and alternative, as in conventional medicines. Modern science, on the other hand, has not confirmed the convenience of Noni juice as a medicine. But used as a conventional remedy, it is used for fever, asthma, skin problem, eye problem as well c

Edible Weeds

Although edible weeds are seen by most of us as the 'bad plants', some people actually use them in soups, stir fries and salads. There are well over 100 beneficial weeds in the United States alone and you will need to be careful in choosing what weed to eat and what weed not to eat.

Corporate Health - Why Junk Food is So Addictive

It is safe to say that a lot of people like junk food, some more than others and some not at all, but many like it. Perhaps it's the convenience, the taste, the price or our emotional state that makes us go for it, or is there actually something in the food itself?