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Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

How To Tips That Can Get You Back Into Reading

Many of us would like nothing better than to be able to read more. We have the desire to read, but don't really know how to get into it again. The thought is great, but actually doing it can be a lot harder than one might think.

Turbo Charge Your Prosperity With a Classic Book

There is one thing that many of us want and that is more prosperity in our lives. In these tough economic times more and more people are turning to self improvement techniques to bring more prosperity in to their lives.

Kitchen Aprons - Have They Had Their Day?

Aprons ended up fashioned from feed sack and didn't have a great deal of styling, but were sensible. Tiny items of rick rack and buttons and brightly colored materials had been making a statement in ...

Manage Your Emotions and Achieve Absolutely Any Challenge

When you take on a challenge it usually means doing something outside your comfortzone and with this always comes a number of emotional obstacles along the way. Unless you can manage your emotionsduring these times, it is likely you won't complete the challenge. How does one go about doing this

Giving All You’Ve Got To Realise Success

Life is a blank canvass to which each and every one of us has the opportunity to become someone. Some would say that life was the act of God giving his all and realising how ...

10 Ways You Can Handle Stress

Our bodies were designed to handle a little bit of stress. It is a flight or fight tendency to protect us from dangers, yet now we often deal with too much stress that is more life related than actual danger. This increase in stress takes a toll on your body, both physically and mentally. Here are s

Setting Goals and Shaping Your Future

Do you actively set goals for your life? If not, why not? For example, if I got into my car, not knowing my next destination, where would I end up? It seems like a silly question to ask, but if we don't know where we want to go with our lives, where are we going to end up? We spend more time pl

Change the World With The Best Exchange You Can Make

What if someone told you to stop what you are doing and sit still for 30 minutes to an hour. How much money would it take, to interrupt your busy schedule? You may agree if you could sleep, or do this or that. Imagine if you not only had to give of your time, you had to give up something. You may no

Avoiding Multitasking

If you've applied for a new job any time recently, you've been faced with that dreaded qualification- "applicant must be a proficient multitasker." Why do all jobs demand this skill? I think it's due to the fact that multitasking sounds like an impressive skill.

Creating Abundance by Getting Creative

It can be hard to incorporate the law of attraction into your life and to learn to be proactive. This stems from not being creative enough for many. In this article I try to emphasize the importance and helpfulness of creative activity for helping you make positive changes in your life.

Color Personalities - What Color is Your Prospect?

Understanding your prospects, clients, and team personality is vital to the success of your business. You will not want to miss this valuable piece of information that could be the determinant factor of taking you to the next level in your opportunity!

A New Perspective on Complaining

The thought of "customer complaints" makes many business professionals bristle and cringe. Many view customer complaints as an unpleasant situation where a disgruntled client wastes precious time by voicing their woes and pointing out perceived flaws and errors.

Healing Your Childhood Fears With Behavioral Therapy

Your childhood fears may dictate a lot of your adult responses and behavior patterns. The techniques used in behavioral therapy can help you reduce them to manageable levels and finally to unlearn them.

Five Qualities of Good Goals

Goal setting is a valuable process for your success. We need to understand the nature of good goal so that we can effectively draw up our goal. The five qualities of the goal here will create your understand on the importance on the clarity of your goal and speed up your success process.

Fear of Success or Failure! Conquer it, and Reap the Rewards!

Starting any positive new venture in life is a step in the right direction. When you've made the decision to put yourself in the position of success, so many important things must be considered. The technical, financial, and the logistics are the first factors on most peoples list, but there is

Four Key Factors That Help Strengthen Our Prayers to God

Prayers are our moments of truth with God. Prayers are our means of communicating our thoughts to God and letting him know our true desires. Prayers are done in truth, in spirit, in need, in gratitude and in many other ways as the mind and heart succumbs to all the different situations we face in li