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Sleep Disorders : Health & Medical

3 Ways to Eliminate SNORING - Naturally

Snoring is no laughing matter! At least not if you are suffering from the noise and can't get your proper rest! Snoring can be a sign of more serious Sleep Disorders such as Sleep Apnea. The

Central Sleep Apnea

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of central sleep apnea, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Cure Insomnia With Therapeutic Journaling

Insomnia plagues many menopausal women, keeping them locked in a vicious cycle that can cause ill health, low energy, and negative attitudes. Journal writing therapy effectively combats sleeplessness, leading to improved overall well-being. Learn a few easy and enjoyable steps you can take to reclai

The Best Way To Stop Snoring

When it comes to snoring, many people consider it to be just a casual problem that it is not very serious. But in fact, to those who have to listen to it, snoring is a living hell and it can be a sign

What You Should Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a type of sleep disorder. It is characterized by unusual pauses or low breathing, when sleeping. It is an ordinary disorder that can become serious if proper attention and care is not given to it.

Sleep Problems Can Be Solved Without Sleeping Pills

Millions all over the world suffer from insomnia. Very often people resort to sleeping pills to solve their sleep problems, without realizing how much potential damage can result from their indiscriminate use. Quite apart from the harmful side effects, there is always the danger of serious addiction

The Top Five Questions to Ask When Buying a Bed

Find out the five key questions you should ask before buying a bed. Sleep plays an integral role in your overall health, as your body regenerates during your nightly sleep. Therefore, buying a bed is an important decision because you spend around a third of your life in bed, making your mattress pro

Different Styles Of CPAP Machines

People all over the world suffer from sleep apnea which is a condition involving problems with breathing throughout the night. Problems within the respiratory system and heart can lead to sleep apnea leaving people worried to fall asleep at night. CPAP machines were designed specifically for those w

Snoring Apnea is Easy to Fix

I thought I should talk to you about snoring apnea because I know a lot of people suffer from this.

Avoid Eating Before Bed and Other Tips for a Restful Sleep

A good night's sleep depends on how you lived your day. If you spend the day stressed or eating the wrong food at the wrong time, you might have sleeping problems. Hypnic jerks and insomnia are two of the many sleeping disorders you might experience.

Daytime Excessive Sleepiness - Get All the Facts

How is everyone's attitude at work when you come in during the morning hours? Do you find most people are peppy and ready for the day to start or that most people say that they are tired? Chances are most people will say they are exhausted for one reason or another, but it may be tied back to d

Improve Your Sleeping Posture With an Orthopedic Pillow

Nowadays, many people lack the necessary information about the importance of a correct posture. We need to keep our spine straight not only when we walk, stand or sit. Sleeping has also a great influence on our health. By using an orthopedic pillow, we can improve or correct our sleeping positions,

Concerns and improve sleep quality extra hour of sleep

As we all know , human life, one third of the time is spent in sleep , people will die five days without sleep , showing that sleep is a human physiological needs. Sleep as necessary for life processe