Why Are Fruit Juices & Smoothies So Popular? Part 1

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Nutrition : Health & Medical

Transition Away From Trans-Fats

If you have not already heard of trans fats, you must be living in a cave. They have become quite popular, or rather their unpopularity makes them so well known.

Gluten Solutions - What is Gluten?

What is gluten? Is it good for me? Is it bad for me? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself when exploring gluten solutions. What is gluten Gluten is a protein that ...

The Health Advantages of The Le Vive by Ardyss International

The 5 super fruits that the Le Vive juice is made of are pomegranate, goji, Acai berry, noni and mangosteen. These 5 super fruits offer outstanding health advantages individually. Pomegranate grows in a semi-arid-temperate to ...

Know How Different Greek Yogurt Is from Regular Yogurt

The healthy benefits of yogurt stand well accepted, as it is a good source of protein and calcium. Its chief health benefit is that it possesses bacteria that help promote digestion. Provided you stay

Focus On Your Body Not Just Your Weight

Recently I've started to see a lot more people return to the gym as well as seeing a lot of new members joining, a busy time for gym instructors and personal trainers. I have also ...

Lack of Nutrients May Lead to Bad Mood in Women

Women are always thought to be more sentimental than the men. This is mainly influenced by women's physical structure. However, sometimes women's bad mood is often related with the lack of nutrients. Modern medical researches ...

How Many Calories I Need to Gain Weight Each Day If I Am Skinny?

This article is for skinny people who want to gain weight. You will find out how many calories you need to gain weight. You will learn how many calories you need to eat to increase your weight healthily. If you are interested, then certainly read this article.

Healthy Eating Tips

While exercise is an important part of keeping fit and healthy, it's important to consider what you can do to incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle. Often a source of practical tips is just what the doctor orders!

Shocker - Sugar and Inflammation Make Life Less Sweet

Even though I have long been aware of the detrimental effects of sugar, while reading articles on sugar and the resulting inflammatory havoc it causes in the human brain and body, I found it to be a real shocker.Not sweet at all. Blood sugar, insulin and insulin resistance, chronic inflammation and

What Came First: The Chicken or the Egg?

Who knows which came first, but I do know it's important to know where your eggs are coming from. Are conventional, free-range, range free or organic eggs healthiest for you? What's the difference between brown, soy-free or white eggs? You may be surprised!

The Mediterranean Diet: Facts You Should Know

Before you make the final decision to start your weight loss plan, it is important that you consult your physician. In this instance, many people aren't aware of the serious side effects that could take ...

Nutrition for Men Over 50

There was a time when a man in his 50s was considered old, not long to retirement and the beginning of the steady decline. These days men are living longer, more fulfilling lives. Healthy eating, exercise, reducing or excluding smoking and drinking can add years to a man's quality and longevity

Caffeine Gone Wild

More and more people are consuming caffeine on a daily basis. Recent studies show that 75% of American adults drink coffee daily and the number of other drinks and additional sources of caffeine increases on a daily basis. Is the "daily buzz" useful for the person or doesn't it lead t

Got Milk Got Problems

According to the National Dairy Council milk, and other dairy products, are so beneficial to our health that you may wonder how we ever existed without it in our diet. Milk and other dairy products ...

Eat right and burn fat without starving yourself

Here're a few tips that can help you lose weight with the right nutritional planning and awareness. No more will you have to starve yourself to stay healthy and achieve that beach body you&am

Enjoy The Journey to Good Health

In order to succeed in your quest for good nutrition, try taking baby steps towards healthy nutrition choices. This allows you to comfortably develop habits for health and weight control, instead of feeling frustrated when you fail at radically changing your eating habits (again).